The Breakfast Club Blog

Monday, November 12, 2007

Breakfast Club Recap (11-10-07)

Dear Breakfast Club:

Well, I know I certainly walked away comforted from the "Comfort Food" breakfast! The food was very creative, and the recipes were requested many times. I've already received a couple of those recipes, and I'll post them on the blog shortly.

Also, the Breakfast Club thanks Donna Clark for opening her lovely home to us. It was warm and welcoming — and the handcrafted tile floor is amazing.

A lot of great stories and ideas were shared when we talked about why we chose our recipes, what comforts us, and what we're thankful for this year. For some of us, 2007 has been a tough one, and we're looking forward to the fresh start of a new year. Others spoke of the blessing of good health and good friends. What I heard us saying is that what really matters is our relationships. No amount of money, no job or career, neither hardships nor successes mean more than we mean to each other. And we recognize that sometimes taking care of ourselves is the very thing that enables us to care for those we love. It's a delicate balance, and I think we experience it richly when we gather for the breakfast.

I am thankful for the loving commitment all of us have shown in keeping our group together and going strong after four years. And I love that new and old faces continue to blend seamlessly, creating unique opportunities to share and learn.

Our next breakfast will be sometime shortly after the first of the year, and we'll have a new hostess. Of course, it's our favorite beat-the-winter-blues theme: Chocolate for Breakfast. Bring your friends! Details to come ...

Also, if you have something you'd like to share on this blog — a book or movie recommendation, a recipe or anything that strikes your fancy — feel free to send it to me, and I'll post it.

One parting thought as we break for the holidays ... as we all know, life brings the unexpected at times. Take every opportunity to make precious memories with your family and friends. Those memories are the comfort that take us through the hard times.

Happy holidays ... see you soon!



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