The Breakfast Club Blog

Monday, September 25, 2006

Breakfast Club recap

Dear Breakfast Club,

Thanks for making our third anniversary so special. The new recipes were fabulous, and the discussion was inspiring as always.

Welcome once again to our first-timers -- always great to see new faces!

A couple of announcements:
- The next breakfast is tentatively scheduled for early November, and the theme will be one of our annual favorites: Comfort Food. More details to come.
- After that, we'll take a holiday hiatus, and come back in 2007 with the all-time most popular breakfast theme: Chocolate for Breakfast.

I hope you're enjoying the blog. Please feel free to add comments and to send me stuff to post -- articles, announcements, recipes, job openings/job searching, book or movie suggestions. This is our blog, together -- our creative scrapbook, as Breakfast Clubber Tara Kirk suggested.

Finally, I'd like to leave you with what I thought was a profound bit of perspective offered by Breakfast Clubber Sherry Peel. At one point in our discussion, she mentioned that she didn't like to receive product surveys from companies, because instead of asking what she thought, she would prefer that the company show confidence in its product and tell her why it was so great.

I think there's a life lesson in that. I would imagine, especially as women, we're often submitting product surveys about ourselves to other people. What will people think if I do this, go there, wear that, try something new? How will others see me?

I don't think there's harm in having those questions, per se, but we probably don't need to let them totally drive how we develop our product -- ourselves. Since the theme of this past Breakfast Club was "new," and we discussed new things we're doing or would like to try, I hope nothing holds any of us back in those endeavors. Go for it. Be you. Don't ask how great you are -- show it.

Until next time ...


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